Monday, August 9, 2010

Hi Michael

Michael! Start a blog! And be my one and only follower! haha....

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


So today I was suppose to spend the whole day doing research for a subject at uni called "Architectural Research Projects." We have to write a 5000 word 'research report' on anything we want, and I chose sustainable architecture. So I'm writing about a new residential subdivision being built south of Geelong, Victoria (Australia), and trying to determine whether it is actually a 'sustainable' development as they claim it is. Not sure if it will be any good...or interesting...but anyway, that's what I didn't research today. Instead I wasted time setting up this blog, looking at photos of 'green' skyscrapers (for another assignment), checking facebook every 30 minutes, and I actually cleaned my room! Oh and I also played with my bunnies... I have a 1 y.o mini lop called Thumper (see pic below) and a 11 week old black lop cross called Miffy :) They live in the lounge room in hutches but I let them out a couple of times a day to run around. So I guess I should go cook myself some tea...then actually do some homework. X

green skyscrapers?

I'm doing a project next semester (i think...not entirely sure yet!) where we have to design a sustainable
skyscraper. I dont know the details of the brief yet, but I just thought I'd gather some ideas...

a few of my favourites.

These are just a few of my favourites from some of my overseas trips :)
[Sorry about the bad quality, I didn't have a good camera back then...actually I still dont, but im planning on getting a better one soon! And sorry about the watermarks too...]

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

bienvenue :)

Well, first post! I've never had a blog before, and I'm sure not many people are going to reading I guess it'll pretty much just be a personal blog; a collection of random blog entries (maybe some travel entries if I end up going anywhere), photos and architecture stuff that I like, etc etc. If you do end up reading my blog, hope its relatively enjoyable or interesting in some way! x

About Me

I'm a 21 y.o architecture student. I live in Australia. I love travelling, photography [im not very good at it], snowboarding, and my pet rabbits.
